Replanting After Recent Wildfires

The recent wildfires have once again reminded us of nature's power and unpredictability. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. As we face these daunting times, it's paramount that we stand together as a community.

Given the recent events, we felt it necessary to share an update on our efforts at Tabbisocks with our Replant Pairs initiative. For those of you who might be new here or need a refresher, with every purchase of our Replant Pairs socks, we donate $1 to a nonprofit of your choice, which directly aids in replanting trees in regions that need it most.

Our Replant Pairs

Over the last year, with your unwavering support, our efforts have primarily been directed at wildfire-hit areas, with notable contributions in Oregon. Our previous collaboration with the State Forests Wildfire Restoration Fund and the Oregon Department of Forestry has allowed us to actively participate and contribute towards the cause, with 6,303 trees planted in Oregon alone by the end of 2022.

Given the recent wildfires, we felt compelled to donate again, especially when so many forests and communities are at stake. It's through these trying times that we reaffirm our commitment to not only our customers but to the Earth we all call home.

We would never want to come across as pushy or inconsiderate, especially when so many are grappling with the aftereffects of these wildfires. However, if you feel like supporting our mission, consider buying a Replant Pair or simply spreading the word about our initiative. Every little bit helps, and together, we can rebuild and restore.

Let’s rekindle hope, one tree at a time.

Stay safe and take care,
The Narasocks Team


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September 28, 2023